Monday, June 15, 2009

Lord, Grant me the ability to keep my Mouth shut!!

So....I'm back.....and I'm pissed! I went to my cystoscopy today, to only find out that the freaking nurse never scheduled the appointment! She called and left me a message as to when it was...and she sent me a letter in the mail.....but never wrote it down on their end! Ask me if I was breathing fire! And Yes this is the same nurse I was having problems with a few months ago! I am so annoyed!! But I kept my cool, Yes I did! My son would of been proud! LOL!! So she had to reschedule it, and when she gave me a time and date...I said are You sure?? Am I really going to have an appointment for that day?? I also asked if I could have a copy of my CT that was done 2 months ago......and when she asked me where I had it done, I politely reminded her it was at the ER...remember that experience?? If I didn't know better, I'd say this nurse has it out for me?? I don't need this stress.....Really I don't. I was so nervous about today....and now I have to wait 3 more weeks! What the F*C*???

And my Ct report just makes me more nervous! It says I have a "Prominent left ovarian vein and multiple prominent pelvic vessels." It also says "this finding has been associated in the past with pelvic congestion syndrome." So......what does that mean. LOL...Ok, here's me playing doctor....we'll have to wait and see how close I am to the truth. After doing some research online, I have learned that I have 'varicose veins' in my abdomen that are causing blood flow problems. Now, call me retarded, but wouldn't this explain why I lose circulation in my legs when I sit or stand??? And going back through my records, I see that this has been something that has been brought up before, but was never discussed with me. I don't even know how I missed it, I normally go through my records with a fine toothed comb, because I know that drs are busy, and that things are missed. But, for this not like a duh moment or what??? Maybe it's just me, and I'm feeling loud mouthed and angry, but Hello. I can't do this all by myself!! I feel like I keep running into the same brick wall over and over again!! Somebody please stop me!!

So...I probably need to call the doctor tomorrow and ask what this means. I have read several articles about this online this afternoon, and none of it sounds like a walk in the park. Hopefully I'm reading way beyond what I should, and there's a quick fix, but I just have that feeling that it's just not that easy! Nothing ever is around here! Damn it!

LOL....I'm off to go find something to kick!!! &%^$^&%&^ NURSE!!!!

1 comment:

  1. My dear Katie, I have picked this blog for the "Blog of Light" award. Drop by for some light amusement, if you please.
