Thursday, July 29, 2010

Tha darn cyst is still there!!!

Thought I'd update on a few things....

Finally adjusting to my up'ed dose of medicine, and finally at the big dose......Still feeling a little groggy in the morning~ but I can handle it.

Went it for my follow-up ultrasound on my ovary, and that cyst is still there. It's been there for about a year now, and I'm thinking from what was said the other day, that they're gonna want to go in there and get it. I have drug this on for as long as I could, and it may now be the time for me to surrender. I only have one ovary left, and I'm not ready to part with it yet....but sometimes, you gotta do whats right.......and I guess getting this cyst (which is now bleeding into itself) bothers them. be honest, it bothers me too~ Pretty darn painful at times, but pain is something I can deal with, most of the time. I go back in 2 weeks to talk to the doctor. In September I meet with a new specialist, and I'd really like to talk with him before I go in for surgery. I have questions that these doctors can't answer...I hate it when you ask them something, and they say they don't know> Very frustrating...They are suppose to know everything, lol!!!

** And my nephew will be here any day now. That's what I live for, Family....and I've been waiting a long time to be an Aunt! Hopefully, it all works out, and I can be there to hold her hand through this! 2 weeks till her due date!! WooWho!!!

Thanks for listening


  1. oh Katie- I know you didn't exactly want this answer- that sucks....but hopefully the pain might lessen a bit if they take it out? I'm glad that at least your new nephew is here soon and soon you'll be able to cuddle a new little one! It's your sis, isn't it? I'll keep her in my prayers for a safe delivery and a perfect new little nephew ♥

  2. Congrats on being an aunt! I hope it all goes well.

    I also hope some of your questions get answered and that you can decide what health decision is best for you!

  3. And the baby? has already arrived?
