My 'Electrician' (the electrophysiologist~cardiologist) seems to think that this probably started in my Mother's uterus..... Like something didn't line up right in my DNA or something. There have been things along the way that suggest so. My early heart issue~ I was diagnosed with a heart murmur at 4 months old. Then under went a heart cath at 18 months and was diagnosed with Mild Aortic Stenosis........and then some where along the line I out grew this?! I was sweaty as a baby, especially with eating or sleeping.........I had eczema as a baby, and psoriasis since I was a kid. Still get Eczema every once in awhile...and when it flares up, it flares up! The psoriasis is confined to my left ankle for the time being.....still a little confused as to why just one ankle, but OK. As a kid I had it on my elbows and knees~ got lots of rude comments about that issue! I've had IBS for as long as I can remember......just never knew it had a name as a kid. I remember sleeping on the bathroom floor because I got tired of running back and forth to the bathroom at night. I had a 'bone' that grew through my sinus cavity somehow that they chiseled away at 3 times. I had bladder issues.....lots of UTIs as a kid....and now that I'm glancing over my records, I see I also had trace amounts of blood in my urine even back then. I'm sure there's other things......somethings support the idea of dysautonomia, and other things are just flukes of nature. If I had a dollar for every time I've heard...I've never seen that before, or your never going to believe this....I'd be very rich. (My favorite was when I was on the OR table in the cath lab, and I heard my doc say "Um.....'John' Can you come here for a minute, I've never seen anything like this" .....Now, that's not funny....they shouldn't be aloud to say stuff like that, lol....We're they trying to freak a girl out or what??
Then again I'm sure going through 2 cycles of the Lupron Injections wasn't the best thing for me. Nor was the epidural I had with the birth of my last son, it didn't work for the delivery, but I don't think they believed me...It was left in my back over night so they could use it in the morning to do my tubal ligation, and it wasn't till they had me on the OR table that they realized that I might be telling the truth. I remember the doc pricking my leg with something sharp, and my flinching. Then the other doc asking him if he'd giving me enough..... Then that doc said 'I've given her enough for a six foot man, she shouldn't be able to feel her nose by now'...and like that I was asleep. Something wasn't right there, but, Hey, what do I know?? And then again...........I'm sure having 3 kids before I was 20 wasn't exactly good for me either. Took a lot out of my body! But, Like my Aunt once said to me.......if I hadn't of had them then, I might of never of been able to have them. So I feel blessed, And I get a reason to get up everyday!
So when one asks how this all started, I can't say for sure. Your guess is as good as mine, I just know it is was it is, and always has been. I just didn't understand a lot of it until recently. And still, I am horrible with terminology.......and terrible at explaining things with out confusing you first.
Next time I'll try and explain what dysautonomia means......
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