Just trying to get my electrical system in the house working right.........
And my body isn't helping much. I over did it again with the kiddos this weekend, got the bright idea Saturday morning that I was going to crawl under the trailer and clean ~that's where the electrical stuff is, and it's really hard to get to.......Not anymore :)!! Even thought about ripping out the power line to the TV in order to motivate someone to fix it, but didn't feel like playing that game, so I just cleaned. Took out 10 bags of trash...I know there was 10 because I counted them, haha .....And while I was up under there, I thought of 'my old life' and who I was suppose to be. Got to take out my frustrations while ripping out insulation!! Now that Was fun! .......I use to had a lot of spunk, and a Lot of drive.... Nothing was going to stand in my way ...Just ask my mom, I was very head strong to prove everyone wrong! I still have that desire to become more, but know it's not in my cards anymore. Sometimes I feel like this is a test, to prepare me for something bigger, but then I ask what in the heck could that be?.....You know how the old saying goes......That that doesn't kill you only makes you stronger?? .....Well enough already! I quit!
Last night I had a terrible migraine.....and nothing seemed to help. I took a half a Valium, and got enough relief to get dinner....But then the headache came back worse then the first time.......So I took a whole Valium, and nothing..... I went and laid down, but it just kept throbbing.....Then the vomiting began~ Fun! And after that I really felt drained, Yuck! I figured I'd try a bath to make the body aches go away......Not a hot bath, but just warm enough....And stayed in there for a few hours.......LOL, had all the cats coming in to 'visit'~ Otis even tried drinking all my bath water, lol, I swear....he just kept drinking, and drinking.....Normally he stays away from the tub~ Something about the bubbles scares him, but since I hadn't used any bubbles, he was really curious to see what I was doing. -Figured the smell from the bubbles might make the headache worse:( Anyways........once I was good and pruny, I got out...the bath seemed to have taken the edge off the pain. I finished up a Gatorade and watched TV for the rest of the evening.......
This morning, my headache is almost gone. Still feel drained! Woke up semi dry...... and even Remembered to take my morning meds! Woo-who! I'm on a roll! Now to go drink 3 bottles of Gatorade.............
Still haven't heard from the doctors office about my CT, so If I get the umph to get moving today, I think I'll just drive over to the hospital and go speak to someone......And while I'm over in that direction, I need to go set up Physical Therapy again.....I didn't realize it had already been a month since the last time I was there. Guess my vacation is over. Ya know, that's the one thing I hate about being sick....You never get a break! And I need a break! It gets really Old, really quick!
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