Don't You just love Elmo!!

And doesn't Cookie Monster just bring a smile to your face:)

So, Ya wanna see my boo-boos?? These 2 tiny little holes were from the biopsy they did on Friday. They're testing the nerves in my legs.

One of the reasons I'm showing these is because these are my first outside stitches, Ever! I've had a LOT of surgeries, but they've all been with either the dissolvable stitches or using the derma-bond (super-glue)... So it's kinda neat to me, lol. However.... The doc that did them said he wasn't going to tie them too tight because when they're tight they tend to swell and then they're hard to get out...But looking at it, I wonder what the point was of doing it to begin with. Doesn't really look closed to me, does it now??
So..... Lets get back to the doctor visit. Just in case you want to know, and because I'm trying to keep track of it myself.... I'm now seeing a specialist in the Neuroendocrine Unit at the Strelitz Diabetes Institute. No, I do not have diabetes.... I have (what my cardiologist thinks) is some form of dysautonomia.... Which means he thinks I have a dysfunctional autonomic system. Long story.... so I'll skip to the current visit. This new doc is running a bunch of tests, and one of them was the skin biopsy. They also ran A LOT of blood tests.... 9 vials worth! Looking them up today, I see he's checking my hormones levels, thyroid and adrenal glands...he also running other blood tests too, that I will worry about if the time comes. Next was a breathing test. This was pretty simple, well as simple as it could be anyways. It records you breathing normal for 5 minutes, then records you deep breathing for 2 minutes, then normal breathing for 2 minutes....Then they have you stand up, and stand still ~for 5 minute~ so it can record you breathing normally while you're standing. At the end of that test... I did feel what feels like my heart kick starting, twice in a row. I felt it in my chest and it sent this weird sensation through my body. When the test was over, I looked over at the machine and had to giggle.... I could see the top red line, near the end had skipped twice~ And when I asked the tech if that was the heart beat, she said yes. Sometimes, it's just nice to see things on a monitor that you normally try and convince yourself that is not there. Hopefully I can get a copy of this for the heart doc, so I can ask him about it, too. After the breathing test came the hot/cold test... they strap this contraption around your big toe, and then ask you to push this button every time you feel it getting hot or cold..... when that was over, you then had to use your big toe to feel vibrations, and then what I will call a tickle test... 'Can you feel this now?' ~Never realized my big toe was this important?! Hahaa After that was the biopsy..... Not bad at all. They numb your leg up, take a couple of samples, 'sew it up'...... and out the door I went.
And then.... Today is day one without meds. Not great if you ask me, but I can function. It makes me shaky, and my heart is more erratic.... but so far, I'm not freaking out yet, lol.
Other things I want to remember:
So..... Lets get back to the doctor visit. Just in case you want to know, and because I'm trying to keep track of it myself.... I'm now seeing a specialist in the Neuroendocrine Unit at the Strelitz Diabetes Institute. No, I do not have diabetes.... I have (what my cardiologist thinks) is some form of dysautonomia.... Which means he thinks I have a dysfunctional autonomic system. Long story.... so I'll skip to the current visit. This new doc is running a bunch of tests, and one of them was the skin biopsy. They also ran A LOT of blood tests.... 9 vials worth! Looking them up today, I see he's checking my hormones levels, thyroid and adrenal glands...he also running other blood tests too, that I will worry about if the time comes. Next was a breathing test. This was pretty simple, well as simple as it could be anyways. It records you breathing normal for 5 minutes, then records you deep breathing for 2 minutes, then normal breathing for 2 minutes....Then they have you stand up, and stand still ~for 5 minute~ so it can record you breathing normally while you're standing. At the end of that test... I did feel what feels like my heart kick starting, twice in a row. I felt it in my chest and it sent this weird sensation through my body. When the test was over, I looked over at the machine and had to giggle.... I could see the top red line, near the end had skipped twice~ And when I asked the tech if that was the heart beat, she said yes. Sometimes, it's just nice to see things on a monitor that you normally try and convince yourself that is not there. Hopefully I can get a copy of this for the heart doc, so I can ask him about it, too. After the breathing test came the hot/cold test... they strap this contraption around your big toe, and then ask you to push this button every time you feel it getting hot or cold..... when that was over, you then had to use your big toe to feel vibrations, and then what I will call a tickle test... 'Can you feel this now?' ~Never realized my big toe was this important?! Hahaa After that was the biopsy..... Not bad at all. They numb your leg up, take a couple of samples, 'sew it up'...... and out the door I went.
And then.... Today is day one without meds. Not great if you ask me, but I can function. It makes me shaky, and my heart is more erratic.... but so far, I'm not freaking out yet, lol.
Other things I want to remember:
*CANS is a test that is also called Non-invasive Autonomic Nervous System Monitoring~ AKA: the breathing test I was taking about earlier brains on overload now, so I think it's about time for bed....
See ya later:)
lol- no, it does not look too closed to me either :) I'm glad this doc is a good one so far :) I hope your test results bring some good anwsers