Thank-you Susan for taking the time to stop by and award this blog!

The rules of this award are:
1.-To complete the following phrase: I AM A LIGHT AND WANT TO ILLUMINATE...
2. - Link the blog from where the award came from and leave a message informing that person it has been received.
3.- Link and pass the award to five blogs that, in your opinion, are blogs of light.
So Here goes......
the way to a better quality of life!
Just because someone is sick, or disabled...
Doesn't mean that they have to stop living!
I want to help people learn how to take the time to stop and smell the Roses.
Even if it's only for a second, Stop and see the beauty around you,
This is the only life we get.......
So make it Count!
I'd like to pass this blog onto 5 people that have given me a light to follow...
1. Casey from
Casey has been writing everyday for over a year now about miniatures. It's something I look forward to each and every day!! She has the best ideas, and is a wonderful teacher! Thank-you Casey for giving us so much eye-candy!
2. Minikat from
MiniKat has been so friendly and encouraging with this blog, and I am truly grateful for it!! I know how hard it is to leave a comment on here...People just don't know what to say, I guess...But Minikat always has something kind to say! Thanks for being my friend! Big Hug!!!
3. Mercedes over at
Mercedes is a Mom like me....and we often share emails about minis and family! LOL...Mercedes and Liberty have become household names over here, lol! Thanks for making time for my family Mercedes!
4. Ana from, although these days you can find her here:
Ana was one of the first people I ever talked to in Blogland, and we've become great friends! She makes some beautiful miniature furniture, and is now making personalized bags! Thank-you Ana for all the 'miniature' encouragement you've given me, and especially for my book!!! :)
5. Chris from
Oh where would I be without Chris! She's one of the biggest reasons I got into Minis! And stayed with minis...and she's to blame for me having more then one house, hehehe.....she really got my brain seeing minis!!! LOL! Oh...and she encouraged me to write! So Thank-you Chris!! I know we don't talk much these days....but You know I think of you and your family All the time!!!
It's always so hard to just pick 5! There's so many of you that keep me going, so many that inspire me to keep 'crafting'!! I truly feel blessed to have found the mini world here in Blogland!! Thanks!!! :)
Katie :)
I'm glad I can bring some light to your days. I know you always bring some to mine. :-)
Thanks Katie! You guys are always being talked about here too! The 'dragonfly lady' and the 'pineapple girl' especially! LOL!